Hello !
Here is a nice homepage with photos and informations
of the national Icelandic costume.
Með bestu kveðju frá Íslandi ! ÿ G
I saw that you're from iceland, (because of your name) but i have a quistion for you,
do you know a place were i can work as a hostess of receptionist, or something else in tourism? i have to do that because of my school. and i realy want to go to iceland. i'll have to start next year in June.
i hope you can help me.
gr. Roos
Hello Roos !
At the moment I cant give you any advice, regarding you question.
I am also in a school.
The Icelandic tourist guide school at Kópavogur.
I can ask around for you, were it´s best for you to look for a job.
Með kveðju frá ÃÂslandi ! ÞG
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