
  • Mieke

    Hallo mensen,

    In een boekje kom ik tegen dat op 17 juni onafhankelijkheidsdag gevierd wordt. Wij zijn dan net in IJsland. Wat kunnen wij merken op die dag, of te wel: hoe wordt het gevierd?

    Bedankt voor jullie reaktie!, Mieke.

  • ÞG

    Halló Mieke !

    Sautjándi júní er þjóðhátíðardagur Íslendinga.

    Seventeenth of june is the nationalfeastday of Icelanders.

    Flest fólk á frí þennan dag.

    Most all people have vacation this day.

    Þetta er gleðidagur

    This is a day for happyness.

    Hátíð er um allt landið.

    Feast is all over the country.

    Fólk safnast saman í skemmtigörðum (ef veðrið er gott)

    People are gathering in parks (if the weather is good) celebrating with all kind of fun.

    Íslenski fáninn er hérumbil allstaðar.

    The Icelandic flag is nearly everywhere.

    Um kvöldið eru dansleikir á mörgum stöðum.

    In the evening dance is held in many places.

    Með bestu kveðju !

    With the best regards !
