wonen/werken in IJsland

  • Robin Mols

    Ik zit er geruime tijd aan te denken om te wonen/werken in IJsland. Heeft er misschien iemand daar gewerkt die mij informatie kan geven hoe ik dat het beste aan kan pakken?

  • ÞG

    Take a look at this, 1800 jobs there!

    Regards ! ÞG.



    Impregilo wins new order for 450 Million Euro in Iceland

    Impregilo S.p.A. said that it had received notification from the Landsvirkjun, Iceland’s national electric power utility, awarding it the order for construction of the new hydroelectric plant in Karahnjukar, in the east of the country. The project is worth an overall amount of approximately 450 million Euro, with an advance payment of 16%. This latest success brings Impregilo’s order book for civil works and plants to approximately 7 billion Euro. The reservoir is enclosed by three dams and fed by two rivers sourced from a glacier. The plant will have a total capacity of 630 MW.

  • Arnold Jansen

    Helaas wordt je door genoemd bedrijf als niet-Italiaan en niet-IJslander vreselijk onderbetaald……….